I flew full of expectations to the IAE to ArcCorp and … well.
The Intergalactic Aerospace Expo (IAE) 2949 took place on the planet ArcCorp. Crusader Industries had decided at the last minute to be represented as well. However, it was not known which ships Crusader Industries exhibited. Hoping to see the Mercury Star Runner, I made my way to ArcCorp.
The IAE took place in the Bevic Convention Center near Area18. It was not to be overlooked. Everywhere was advertising and the Donut of the Convention Center shone in the colors of the IAE 2949.
Full of anticipation, I bought a T-shirt from Crusader Industries. There were leaflets of Mercury everywhere. If that was not a good sign.
However, the disappointment was great. Not a single ship from Crusader was on the show floor. You could only pre-order the ships. There was nothing to fly and see. I was so disappointed that I threw my new Crusader T-shirt in the trash.
The Carrack was unfortunately not on the show floor. But the Carrack shuttle was available. I derive the Pisces and made a test flight. The ship was not uninteresting and well equipped for a shuttle. It even had a Quantum Drive. But a small one and the flight to Hurston lasted forever.
I also borrowed a Starfarer and flew to Crusader. That was a short flight. The Starfarer was extremely fast in Quantum flight. But she had a braking distance from here to Terra. But I wanted such a fast quantum drive for my Cutlass. And the cargo hold was hugh. I took the opportunity and bought metals on Celin and brought them to ArcCorp.