Log #109 – Xenothreat attack
Should the plan of attack work? Were there connections to the plot in the Stanton system.
Should the plan of attack work? Were there connections to the plot in the Stanton system.
After the failed operation to smuggle a person out of Microtech, I tried to analyze the background. Abysses opened up.
I was hired by the security company TYR to support a secret operation. I was confronted with chaos and new clues to the plot in Stanton.
I involuntarily got into a situation where I was surrounded by mercenaries.
I got leads on the whereabouts of Brubacker. Chhris and I set out to find him. What was the secret behind his disappearance?
The corporations took massive action against ore exports. I tried to find another way.
The mega corporations in the Stanton System played to their power. Trade became more difficult.
Strange things were happening on Everus Harbor. Secret meetings, people disappearing, and Hadanite not working out either.
I tried to listen in on conversations to learn more about the Stanton plot. To do this, I had to implement an audacious plan.
In search of a better life, a simple freelancer and smuggler gets deeper and deeper into a vortex of corruption and betrayal.
Summary of the first 99 episodes “Diary of Zero Sense” and start of the second season.